
Frequently asked questions

Why should I get stretched?

Foremost, it feels great. Great while doing it and great for hours and sometimes days after your stretch.

Stretching benefits are many. Improved circulation, pain relief, better posture, improved sports performance...too many to list.

Experiencing a professional stretch by one of our certified flexologists will uncover any specific limitations. Then your flexologist will tailor the routine to maximize your stretching session.

Will it hurt?

Proper stretching will not hurt! That being said, there should be a 'challenge' felt by the muscles your flexologist is targeting. To ensure a safe and pain free experience, our flexologists are trained to explain each movements purpose, monitor it's intensity throughout and communicate with you to ensure your comfort.

Do I need to stretch beforehand?

There is never a bad time to stretch, however, a brisk walk might be the best thing you can do before one of our sessions

Increased circulation and the "warmth" brought to the muscles from a brisk walk are very complimentary to stretching.

What should I wear?

A loose comfortable pair of sweat pants and t-shirt are best. Your flexologist will be moving your body through a wide range of movements. Your arms, legs and hips will move better in clothing that does not restrict movement.

Pajama pants and t-shirts are avilable should you need them.